How to Write a Log Function in Exponential Form

Exponential Form

The exponential form is a shortcut way of writing repeated multiplication involving base and exponents. For example, we can write 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 as 54 in exponential form, where 5 is the base and 4 is the power. In this form, the power represents the number of times we are multiplying the base by itself.

1. How to Write in Exponential Form?
2. Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form
3. Exponential Form to Radical Form
4. Standard Exponential Form
5. FAQs on Exponential Form

How to Write in Exponential Form?

To write numbers in exponential form, we have to express them raised to certain powers of their prime factors based on the given way:

  • 8 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 23
  • 72 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 23 × 32
  • 121 = 112

These are the exponential forms of the corresponding numbers. When it comes to representing numbers, there are three forms in which we can do that. Those are exponential form, factor form, and standard form. Any number can be represented in all three forms. Let us understand it in detail through the table given below:

Standard Form Factor Form Exponential Form
5 1 × 5 51
100 2 × 2 × 5 × 5 22 × 52
60 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 22 × 31 × 51
256 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 28

Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form

An expression written in exponential form can be easily converted to logarithmic form by using a simple formula: If ea = b, then \(log_{e}b\) = a. Let us understand this conversion with the help of an example. Convert 53=125 to log form. By equating it with the formula given above, we can say that, here, b = 125, a = 3, and e = 5. So, the logarithmic form is \(log_{5}125\) = 3.

exponential form and logarithmic form

Logarithmic to Exponential Form

Now, let us understand how to convert logarithmic to exponential form. The same formula will be applicable to this also. If \(log_{e}b\) = a is given, this implies, ea = b. Let us take an example. Convert \(log_{10}100\) = 2 to exponential form. If we equate this to the above formula, we get b=100, a=2, and e=10. So, the exponential form will be 102 = 100.

Exponential Form to Radical Form

The conversion of an expression from exponential form to radical form is done by using the formula: xm/n = n√xm. Radical denotes √ symbol which is used to represent nth roots. To convert an exponential form to a radical form, the denominator of the exponent will shift to the left of the radical sign, and the numerator will be the power of the radicand. It is only possible for fractional exponents. If the exponent is a whole number, then the radical sign won't be used as it is only used to represent roots. For example, 23/5 can be represented in radical form as 5√23.

Look at the image given below to understand the exponential form to radical form conversion formula along with an example.

Exponential form to radical form

Similarly, we can also convert a radical form to an exponential form. For example, if 3√3 is given, it means in the exponent form, the numerator of the power will be 1 and the denominator will be 3. So, 3√3 = 31/3.

Standard Exponential Form

If very large numbers or very small numbers are given, then it is better to use the standard exponential form to represent them. For example, it is difficult to make sense of the number 2030000000000000, but it will be easier if we write it in standard form as 2.03 × 1015. It is also known as a scientific notation to write numbers. To write a number in standard exponential form, follow the steps given below:

  • Step 1: Count the number of trailing zeros in the number.
  • Step 2: Use the beginning of the number and write the digits from the right till the last non-zero digit followed by a 10 raise to power which is equal to the number of trailing zeros.
  • Step 3: Place a decimal point after the first digit from the right side and add the number of decimal places created to the power of 10. For example, in the example written above, if we place a decimal point after 2, then two decimal places will be created in the number 2.03. So, we will add 2 to the power of 10. The power of 10 was 13 as there were 13 trailing zeros, but now it will become 15.
  • Step 4: It will be the standard exponential form.

Here, it is important to note that the decimal number written in the standard exponential form will always be greater than 0 and less than 10.

Exponential Form Related Articles

Check these interesting articles related to the concept of exponential form in maths.

  • Exponents
  • Exponential Terms
  • Exponential Functions
  • Exponential Equations
  • Exponent Rules

Exponential Form Examples

  1. Example 1: Write 2000 in exponential form.

    Solution: To write 2000 in exponential form, we have to find the prime factorization of 2000. The prime factorization of 2000 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5 × 5. It means 2000 = 24 × 53.

  2. Example 2: Convert \(log_{4}16\) = 2 in exponential form.

    Solution: The formula to convert logarithmic to exponential form is, if \(log_{e}a\) = b, this implies, eb = a. It means \(log_{4}16\) = 2 can be written as 42 = 16. Therefore, 42 = 16 is the required answer.

  3. Example 3: Convert the following numbers written in standard form to exponential form.

    a) 1024

    b) 350

    Solution: To write these numbers in exponential form, we will use the prime factorization method.

    a) 1024 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 210

    b) 350 = 2 × 5 × 5 × 7 = 21 × 52 × 71

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FAQs on Exponential Form

What is Exponential Form?

The exponential form is a way of writing numbers using bases and powers. It tells us how many times are we actually multiplying a number to get the result. For example, just by looking at 125, we are not making any sense. But if we write it as 53, we know that we are multiplying 5 three times to get 125, or 125 is the third power of 5.

How to Write an Expression in Exponential Form?

To write an expression in exponential form, we need to find the prime factorization of its terms. For example, x × x × x - y × y × y × y can be written as x3 - y4.

How to Write Log in Exponential Form?

To write an equation given in log in exponential form, we will use the following conversion formula: If \(log_{e}a\) = b, this implies, eb = a.

How to Convert Radical to Exponential Form?

To convert radical form to exponential form, we use the following formula: xm/n = n√xm. It is used only with fractional exponents.

What is the Exponential Form of 64?

The exponential form of 64 is 64 = 4 × 4 × 4 = 43.

What is the Difference Between Standard Form and Exponential Form?

The standard form of a number is writing it in the form of an integer like 121. But, exponential form means to write a number as the power of another number. For example, 121 is the standard form but 112 is its exponential form.

What is the Exponential Form of 343?

The exponential form of 343 is 343 = 7 × 7 × 7 = 73.

How to Write a Log Function in Exponential Form


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